Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 11th, Day 49

Today was my port placement surgery where they place a small, quarter size device under your skin and attach it to a vein which makes it much easier to receive chemo infusions from this port rather than trying to access your veins each time. I hadn’t heard much about how complicated the procedure is except that they kind of make you sleepy, but don’t really knock you out all the way and that someone should more than likely drive you home because you will feel like a drunken sailor. Hmmm, sounds fun, right? As long as I don’t wake up with a tattoo all should be good.

I had Chelsey come with me today since Tom had decided to be with me tomorrow for the first day of Chemo treatments. Chelsey and I went together to the surgical waiting room where I put on a gown and they started my IV. She then left and they said it would only take about 30 min. They wheeled me over to the bed, added the sleepy time drug to my IV and about 5 nurses and one surgeon started immediately working on me. I never really fell asleep and could hear everything and feel my body move and shake around on the table. I wasn’t in any pain, but the sensations were quite freaky to experience. Once they were done, they wheeled me to the recovery area where I tried to come to. The nurse tried to ask me questions but I was pretty incoherent. Chelsey came back in and the nurse went over the care instructions with her and asked her if she could “drive my wheelchair” down to the valet to get our car. Lucky for me, I was really out of it and therefore couldn’t suggest another driver. We rammed into every open doorway, elevator opening and wall getting from the 4th floor down to the lobby. She just kept saying, “oops, sorry” each time she missed a corner. I was sure this was her way of paying me back after my nagging her in the car. My head was bobbing all over the place and we were both laughing by the time we made it downstairs. I gave no attitude to her on the ride home because I was too drugged up to notice if she was speeding or not which I’m sure gave Chelsey a little justification.

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