Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15-Day 23

Ugh!! We can't get in to see the plastic surgeon that works with our Oncologist until October 6th. That's 3 more weeks of waiting and then we'll probably be waiting another 3 weeks to coordinate their calendars for surgery. I'm so anxious to get the process started, but if they aren't panicking then I have to trust that they have my health in mind and that nothing will progress too far before we can remove the tumor.

The extra time is allowing me to get some things taken care of before I'll be unable to after the surgery. I've made the decision to move Chelsey out of Chicago and down here to live with Tom and I in Tampa. A co-worker jokingly accussed me of getting cancer on purpose in order to talk my daughter into moving back home. I miss her terribly, but I'm sure I wouldn't put this on myself just to get her here.

I can't wait for our road trip from KC to Tampa just like when she was a teenager and we would throw a couple of suitcases in the car along with her music and my snacks and take off for whatever city had the latest cool new store we wanted to check out. Minneappolis, Chicago and St. Louis were our favorites. We could drive it in a day and they always had better shopping than KC. The best part about our trips were the hours spent driving and talking and me listening to the usual woes of a teenage girl...friends, boyfriend or no boyfriend (depending on the day), high school drama and of course-what to wear with those new boots she just bought at the Galleria!

Chelsey, I'll pack the snacks if you'll bring the music and maybe we can stop off at the Galleria and look for boots.


  1. I'm sure it's frustrating to wait, but it's great that you'll be able to spend the time road tripping with Chelsey. I'm glad she's coming to Tampa. There's nothing like having family near you.

  2. Everything happens when it's suppose to happen. Pretty soon, you'll look back and see how everything fell into place perfectly.

  3. Nothing better than a roadtrip with your daughter, some chocolate, and a little shopping thrown in. I'm glad this worked out for you and Chels... see you soon.
